Is Matcha green tea alkaline or acidic?

Drinking ordinary black tea and coffee will have an acidic effect on the body. And behold, you ordinary green tea is also on the acidic list. Does that mean that Matcha green tea is acidic as well??
Green tea and Matcha green tea are absolutely different in nutritional value because of the way the leaves are harvested. Ordinary green tea is made from Sencha leaves and are sun dried. Matcha green tea however comes essentially from the same type of leaves but are shade-dried. These leaves are then called gyokuro. Once Matcha is shade grown, the leaves basically will produce tons of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is basically the life line and blood of the plants. They are filled with oxygen and alkalizing properties. This is the main reason why wheatgrass is considered so healthy. In short Matcha tea DOES NOT produce an acidic environment in the body, is highly alkaline and therefore should be able to be consumed safely to help balance pH levels in your blood.
So if you are in search of low acid foods or alkaline foods and drinks, cut out coffee and black tea which are acidic, dehydrating, increases internal stress and aging. Plus it causes the body to produce fat cells. Replace them with the alkaline matcha green tea drinks. While it may be bitter in taste, the matcha green tea is a powerful detoxifier with anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties due to the high chlorophyll content. It will improve your digestion, skin health, increase in metabolism and enhance your ability to handle stress.